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We are here to help!

Do you need help with your classes? SEARK College has everything you need to succeed. We offer free tutoring on a variety of subjects each semester.

Tutoring Central is staffed with professional tutors, faculty tutors, and peer tutors to help you achieve your academic goals.

Peer tutoring sessions are available primarily through scheduled appointments, but we welcome walk-ins. We are ready to help. Just ask.

Should You Work with a Tutor?

  • Tutoring can help you understand the course material.
  • Tutoring can help you apply better study methods.
  • Tutoring can assist you in focusing in on what is important.
  • Tutoring can help you earn better grades!

What Tutors Can Do:

  • Review and explain assignments.
  • Help you understand what the instructor expects.
  • Clarify information presented by the instructor in class.
  • Help you understand the textbook and use the information it contains.
  • Provide you with more examples and practice problems to reinforce concepts.

What Tutors Cannot Do:

  • Teach you material that you have not read or heard in class.
  • Write speeches or term papers.
  • Do your homework for you.


Remember: Tutoring is not a substitute for class attendance. You must be enrolled in and attending class to receive tutoring!


About Tutoring Central

Meet Our Tutors

Tutoring Central Resources

Request for Tutoring Form

Faculty Weekly Sign in Sheet

Immediate Referral Form


Tutoring Central Grand Opening