Foundation Scholarships

SEARK College Foundation Scholarship Requirements

Sterling Cleaning Scholarship ~ $125 (Spring)

  • Resides within SEARK College’s six county service area of Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties. 
  • Seeking an Associate or Technical Degree
  • Full -time enrolled in 12 hours
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0

Deadline to apply:  The end of the semester prior to the semester in which the scholarship is to be awarded.

SEARK Foundation Scholarship ~ $300 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • Each academic department: 2 – Nursing & Allied Health; 2 – Technical Studies; 2 – General Studies 

  • Current student

  • Completed 12 hours at SEARK

  •  2.0 grade point average

Linda E. Lewis Eubank Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • Non-traditional student seeking technical certificate or degree

  • At least 25 years old at the start of beginning of the academic year in which the scholarship is to be awarded

  • Plans to continue classes in a Technical Studies certificate or degree program at SEARK College

  • Intends to register and does register as a Technical Studies part time student for a minimum of six (6) student semester credit hours each semester for the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded

  • Demonstrates satisfactory academic progress as evidenced by completion of a minimum of six (6) student semester credit hours and a minimum 2.5/4.0 grade point average at the end of the first semester of the academic year of the Scholarship to be eligible for funds for the second semester

  • Intends to seek employment within the SEARK College six-county service area following program completion (graduation) from the student’s Technical Studies major or a related field

  • Reside in SEARK College service area (Jefferson, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant & Lincoln)

Joyce Ragland-Vance Scholarship ~ $350 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • Students enrolled in the RN (Generic Option) Program at SEARK College

  • Full time student

  • At least 25 years of age at the beginning of fall semester

William A. Strong, Sr. Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • Students enrolled in the Technical Studies Program (Industrial Maintenance Technology; Electrical & Electronics Technology; Industrial and Mechanical Technology; Welding Technology) at SEARK College

  • Be a full-time student

  • Completed at least 1 semester at SEARK with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above

  • Be 18 years of age or older

  • Reside in SEARK College service area (Jefferson, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant & Lincoln)

President’s Award ~ $500 per semester (Fall, Spring and/or Summer)

  • Reside in Jefferson County

  • Applicant must demonstrate financial need. 

SEARK Outstanding Academics Scholarship ~ $150 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • 2 students will receive $150 each per semester

  • A new, first term student enrolled in an Associate Degree Program with a top GPA on high school coursework

  • A continuing, second-year student, who has completed 30 hours towards an Associate Degree and has top GPA in college credit coursework

  • Plans to continue classes in a degree program at SEARK College

  • Intends to & does register as a student for a minimum of 6 student semester credit hours each semester for academic year in which the Scholarship is awarded

Kevin and Tanja Bonnette SEARK Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall)

  • 1 student will receive $500 (Fall)

  • A new non-traditional, first term student enrolled in Practical Nursing Program

  • A continuing non-traditional, second-year student seeking an Associate or Technical Degree

  • Resident of Jefferson County

  • A minimum GPA of 2.5 (out of 4.0)

  • Must Enroll in at least 12 credit hours

Kevin and Tanja Bonnette Technical Studies SEARK Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Spring)

  • 1 student will receive $500 (Spring)

  • A continuing non-traditional, second-year student seeking a Technical Degree;

  • Intends to register and does register as a Technical Studies part time student for a minimum of six (6) student semester credit hours each semester for the academic year in which the Scholarship is awarded;

  • Resides within SEARK College’s six county service area of Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties.

  • A minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 (out of 4.0); 

W.E. & Diane Ayres Scholarship (Spring) 

  • Recipients must attend SEARK College as an enrolled full-time or part-time student in the spring semester. 

  • Minimum G.P.A. of 2.5

  • Must submit high school transcript (and current college transcript of applicable)

  • Two letters of recommendation, in separate sealed envelopes. One should be from a teacher or school official, the other from an unrelated source that addresses the scholarship criteria. 

  • Financial need, community leadership and potential to succeed are the primary factors considered, although none shall be the determining factor. 

  • Advertising, selection and awarding of this scholarship will be performed by the Southeast Arkansas College Scholarship Committee appointed by Southeast Arkansas College.

  • The scholarship will be for customary college expenses, including room – on campus only, board, tuition, fees and books

Pinchback Taylor Scholarship (Spring)

  • Recipients must attend SEARK College as an enrolled full-time or part-time student in the fall semester. High school seniors may apply but preference should be given to nontraditional students.

  • Financial need and potential to succeed in college are the primary factors considered. Students must provide all information requested in the application. 

  • Scholarship recipients will be selected by Southeast Arkansas College Scholarship Committee appointed by Southeast Arkansas College.

  • Scholarships will be applied to the recipients cost of attendance. 

  • *Renewable annually if a 2.5 grade point average is maintained. 

Abbott Scholarship ~ $1,000 (Fall)

  • Must be a resident of Pine Bluff, AR enrolled at Southeast Arkansas College. 

  • No minimum G.P.A.; Student must show good character and need.

  • Advertising, selection and awarding of this scholarship will be performed by the Southeast Arkansas College Scholarship Committee appointed by Southeast Arkansas College.

  • The scholarship will be used for tuition and other school related expenses. 

Dejarnette Family Scholarship ~ $500 (Fall and Spring)

  • Resides within SEARK College’s six county service area of Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties; 

  • Seeking an Associate or Technical Degree

  • Full or Part-Time Student

Deadline to apply:  The end of the semester prior to the semester in which the scholarship is to be awarded.

Archie Sanders State Farm A2B Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall)

  • First time college student who is seeking concurrent degrees at both SEARK and UAPB
  • A minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 (out of 4.0)
  • Must enroll in 9 credit hours at SEARK and 3 credit hours at UAPB
  • Provide a short (at least 200 words) essay explaining your need for the scholarship

Super 1 Foods Endowed Scholarship – Award Varies 

  • Students enrolled in Business Technical Studies (Accounting, Business Management, Computer Information Systems, Computer Networking, and Cyber Security). 
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Must enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours
  • GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale)
  • Must satisfy all SEARK College admission s requirements including any required placement test for their program of study. 

The timeframe and process for application is determined by the College President and the Office of Development.

Corvette Brothers of Pine Bluff Book Scholarship – $300 per semester (Fall and Spring) 

  • First-time entering or returning student of SEARK College 
  • GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale)
  • Reside in SEARK College’s six county service area (Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson & Lincoln)
  • Must enroll in at least 12 credit hours
  • Have on file a current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Edna Blair Scholarship

  • Current student enrolled in Practical Nursing Program 
  • Enrolled at least half time
  • Reside in SEARK College service area (Jefferson, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant & Lincoln)
  • Intend to seek employment in the SEARK College service area
  • Submit a short essay (at least 200 words) explaining your need for the scholarship

Scott-Avery Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall and Spring) 

  • Current student enrolled in in a Nursing and Allied (NAH) program or Early Childhood Development program 
  • A resident of Jefferson County. 
  • A minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 (out of 4.0);  
  • Must enroll in at least six (6) credit hours per semester; 
  • Must submit a 200-word essay addressing why NAH or Early Childhood Development was chosen as a major and how obtaining this degree or certificate will positively impact their life and that of the community. 

Detective Kevin Collins Scholarship ~ $500 per semester (Fall and Spring)

  • A current non-traditional student.  A non-traditional student is one who is at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the academic year in which the Scholarship is to be awarded;
  • Plans to continue classes in a Criminal Justice certificate or degree program at SEARK College;
  • Intends to register and does register as a Criminal Justice full‑time student for a minimum of twelve (12) student semester credit hours each semester for the academic year in which the Scholarship is awarded;
  • Complete application in its entirety.  All scholarship applications must be typed.  Incomplete and un-typed applications will not be considered.
  • Must submit a typed essay explaining why they want to pursue a law enforcement career in Jefferson County.  This essay must have a minimum of 250 words and must be included with the application.

The National Board of Respiratory Care (Fall 2023)

In partnership with The NBRC is making a charitable gift to be used as a scholarship for the Respiratory Therapy
Program ‐ CoARC #200528 at Southeast Arkansas College. This scholarship is intended for
students who have been fully accepted and currently enrolled in the Southeast Arkansas College
Respiratory Therapy Program. The scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $700.00 for the
2023 Fall semester.
Scholarship Eligibility:

  • Currently enrolled in the Southeast Arkansas College Respiratory Therapy Program.
  • A minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 (out of 4.0) in RESP courses (Not overall GPA).

This is a one-time scholarship opportunity and is not renewable for future semesters. All funds
must be awarded in the year 2023. The awards will be distributed based on availability of funds.

The National Board of Respiratory Care Application

Please download and send the completed application to: Southeast Arkansas College, Email:

SEARK College Scholarship Application

Faculty Recommendation Form